The Trafalgar Township Historical Society
Most of the community that we know as Oakville, Ontario was once Trafalgar Township. The political boundaries of Trafalgar Township ceased to exist with the amalgamation of the Township, the villages of Oakville and Bronte in 1962. However, the geographic boundaries remain, with Trafalgar Township extending to Lake Ontario on the both the east (Winston Churchill Blvd.) and the west (Burloak Drive) and then extending over the farmland northwards all the way to Steeles Avenue.
The Trafalgar Township Historical Society was established in January 2006, founded on the work of the Trafalgar 2000 Committee, a group of citizens who a year to plan activities in celebration of the 200th Anniversary of Trafalgar Township. This was done in an effort to increase awareness and foster a desire to preserve the history of the Township.
While the history of the lakeside Oakville community is well commemorated through Oakville’s Museum Erchless Estate, the Thomas House and Bronte’s Sovereign House, the history of the older, agricultural communities of North Oakville is not so well acknowledged.
With urban development taking place on the formerly agricultural land north of Hwy. 5 (Dundas), we believe now is an important time to capture and celebrate the history of our community and share it with new arrivals so the past will not be forgotten.
As we move forward, the Trafalgar Township Historical Society intends to establish a museum and an archive to preserve the Township’s history
Who We Are
Members of the committee include: area residents, historians, genealogists, librarians, members of historical societies, museum staff, writers, long-time Trafalgar Township residents, representatives of local churches and history buffs.