Palermo Blacksmith Shop1965 Photo: Ross Wark
Check out what’s new in the Trafalgar Township Historical Society digital collection. Our extensive internet collection of images of people, the land, buildings, industry, bridges and roads, items such as clothing, diaries, cook books, land deeds, autograph book pages, artwork and more, as given to us by area residents, takes the telling and sharing of local stories to new heights.
We use these images in our internet collection to honour and remember our friends, neighbours and area. Please share your own family items, memories and photographs with us so you, too, are part of the fabric of Trafalgar Township, Halton County.
History is not just 50 years ago, or 500 years ago, it is a minute ago, it is yesterday. It is not just professional quality photographs, it is blurry, tilted, off-centered or of an everyday view that we all take for granted. There is always something to be learned or seen as different people find different things in every image. Please share, so that we can share on a wider scale.
Our Digital Collection is sponsored by Jeff Knoll, Local & Regional Councillor for Oakville Ward 5, Town of Oakville, Regional Municipality of Halton. The Trafalgar Township Historical Society is a partner in Halton Images/Halinet with the other Halton County Historical Societies and Public Libraries.
Our collection has over 2,000 records at of April 2022. We use the award winning VitaToolkit software from Our Digital World, which is used by many historical societies, historical collections, archives and public library history collections in Ontario. This means that our internet records can be searched along with all member partners for comprehensive Ontario-wide research. This collection of images can be searched at OurOntario.
Notice: All rights reserved. Images and other material contained within this website, except as otherwise indicated, is owned by the Trafalgar Township Historical Society and is protected by copyright, trademark and/or other proprietary rights. You are free to copy and use the images herein for non-commercial purposes provided you give clear attribution to the Trafalgar Township Historical Society or the indicated copyright holder.